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** জেলা সঞ্চয় অফিস/ব্যুরো, মাগুরা হতে 2022-23 অর্থ বছরের উৎসকর কর্তনের প্রত্যয়নপত্র প্রদান করা হচ্ছে। ** Issuance of Certificate of Withholding Tax Deduction 2022-23 from District Savings Office/Bureau, Magura.

সাংগঠনিক কাঠামো

different types of savings were introduced by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. This is a government agency. This company is located in all districts of Bangladesh. These saving photos were banners. National Savings Directorate Bangladesh is organizing all the districts of Bangladesh in Savar week-18a. Magura is widely organized in its light, its pictures are given in a banner. In that office there is a saving officer, an office assistant cum-computer operator and an office assistant.১জন সঞ্চয় অফিসার+১জন অফিস সহকারি কাম- কম্পিউটার অপারেটর + ১জন অফিস সহায়ক